Replacing The Classic Iron Railings Outside Your Historic Home

18 May 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


Historic homes built around the turn of the century often had iron fences, gates, and railings outside the house to provide function and form at the same time. Replacing the iron railings with period-correct pieces that look great, work correctly, and retain the original look and feel of the property can be vital if you are trying to keep the home's historic style intact. 

Custom Railings 

Often, when trying to replace or repair the iron railings outside your historic home, you may find it hard to get the right pieces that look the same as the original ones. While some manufacturers are still making iron railings and components, the quality or design may not meet your needs. 

The simplest solution is to find a metal fabrication shop that works with wrought iron to build replacement railings that match the design of the original pieces for you. In some parts of the country, there are also some blacksmiths and artisans working with iron that can forge the railing pieces and assemble the new railings for you, but the cost will reflect the work involved. 

For a home that is a registered historic site, custom iron railings may be necessary, and while they can take some time to construct and might be a little expensive, the result is often a railing that looks like it was built a hundred years ago and has been in place the entire time. 

Installing Railings

Hiring a contractor to help replace the iron railings outside your home is often the best way to ensure the work is done correctly. Iron railings can be attached to the concrete with bolts, or they can be put in place and have concrete poured around them to hold them in place.

If the latter is the case, the contractor will need to cut the concrete to remove the old railings, place the new ones, and pour new concrete around them to ensure they are strong and functional.

However, if the original iron railings were bolted down, the process of replacing them can still be quite involved because it is not uncommon for the bolts securing the railings to rust and break off over time. The contractor can drill out the bolt holes and place threaded anchors in the concrete that the new irons railings can attach to. When they are installed, and when this is done correctly, the iron railing will still be strong enough to support weight, function perfectly, and look great outside your home. 

For more information, contact an iron railing company.